Industrial Property, in its general definition, is an intangible right that ensures that inventions, innovations, new designs, and original works in industry and agriculture are registered in the name of its first practitioners, thus enabling the first practitioners to have the right to produce and sell the product for a certain period of time. Intellectual and industrial property rights are the rights that protect the commercial rights of the work, trademark, and the inventor. Industrial property rights include patents, utility models, brands, and designs.

Patent and utility model works have an important place among the activities and responsibilities of Toros Agri R&D Centre. All preparatory works related to patent and utility model processes within the institution and applications to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office are carried out by the Toros Agri R&D Centre. In addition, Toros Agri R&D Centre contributes to the corporate memory of the company with the files prepared for this purpose.

Since its establishment, a total of 11 utility models and 8 patent applications have been made and 2 utility model certificates have been received by Toros Tarım R&D Center, within the scope of patent and utility model research.