The research laboratory within Toros Agri R&D Centre is equipped to measure several different parameters, particularly fertilizer analysis. Scientific trials, in which the effects of new products developed at the center on plant nutrition are monitored, are carried out in the R&D Greenhouse within the Mersin Production Facility.
The construction of the R&D Greenhouse started in January 2020, and the greenhouse became operational in May of the same year. Pot trials are carried out for many projects in the fully automated glass greenhouse, which is established over an area of 300 square meters and consists of two different compartments.
We use various designs and protocols according to the scope of the project and the terms determined for the demand, such as soil type, plant type, seed type, fertilizer type, and content, trial design/protocol, number of replications, application number and method, pot type. During the growing period, temperature and humidity measurements are regularly taken, and the irrigation period is determined thanks to the automatic greenhouse automation system. According to the scope and flow of the project, many cultural processes, such as germination levels, dilution processes, fertilizer applications, and mid-harvest period/harvest processes, are followed and performed in pot trials. Processes and cultivation periods are photographed on the basis of continuity.
Soil analysis, plant green part dry weight/leaf analysis (1000 grain weight, grain analysis, weighing the ear and stalk weight, ear length measurement, ICP analysis) and quality analyses are carried out in the post-harvest processes, in accordance with the scope of the project.